Allyship in the Workplace

As you progress along your inclusion journey and begin to recognise systemic barriers and inherrent biases, it is likely that you and your team will want to learn how to be better allies to colleagues, customers, stakeholders and other fellow human beings from underrepresented groups.

Allyship is an active process, yet people often confuse performative actions, or a lack of negative action, as confirmation of their allyship.

This training course looks at what allyship is, how to a be powerful ally to challenge discrimination, and how individuals and organisations can drive change.

Who is this course for?

This training is ideally suited to those with some basic understanding of the broader concepts of diversity and inclusion, therefore we recommend taking our Introductory Courses before moving on to Active Allyship.

This session will benefit staff at all levels and across all roles and functions in your organisation.

Learning outcomes

Your team will come away with an understanding of:

  • What allyship is
  • Why allyship matters
  • The difference between performative and proactive allyship
  • Different types of ally
  • Actions that individuals can take
  • How organisations can be allies

What our clients say

“Watch This Sp_ce […] were professional and knowledgeable, and engaging facilitators. They shared a lot of information in an accessible format and have been a pleasure to work with.

– Fabia Bates, Community Works